
Route 66- Part 6

"Snapshots From The Road" is what I'm calling this post.
One of the challenges I put to myself on this project was making the video footage look as close to my still images as possible. You judge, but I think I'm getting closer. The interviews have the look of my portraits, the landscapes have my blue/black skies and zooming clouds. So friends, Episode 6 is a "slide show" of sorts, containing snap shots, stills and video footage from basically all image capture devices I had with me, including the Blackberry. This was a nice recap of the trip for me. John Holst, Angel, Lidden, Tim slumped over the Bagdad Cafe counter waiting for our malts, the biscuits and gravy mega platter for $7.95 at Emma's, all great memories. Makes me want to hit the road again. Though...the 37hr run from LA is still haunting me...and Swedespeed...phantom engine codes keep popping up after topping 130mph...repeatedly...but I digress. I heart road trips.
Still shots posted HERE as a nifty web gallery for your viewing pleasure as well. I'll send you a quarter if you can tell which shots are from Blackberry in the video. God love technology.
Feed back is fun, let me hear what you think.

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